Monday, January 2, 2012

Ya'll ready for this?

The time is growing near, very near, to my international adventure that I will remember for a lifetime. I'm heading out tomorrow morning, at 3 am I might add, with a few close friends, and some adults that will try to keep us out of trouble. First stop, Houston. Now yes, you're right, Houston is still part of America, but we have to start somewhere. Stop #2, Panama City. See, I told you, now it’s international ;). Anyway, we have a 9 hour layover in Panama City, so we will be taking a field trip to, maybe you guessed it, the Panama Canal! Pretty cool, huh? Well I think so, and hopefully there will be some pictures to come! So after we drink in the culture of Panama, and maybe take a nap in the airport, we leave around 11 pm for our final destination; ECUADOR!!!! We will spend about 10 days hiking through the Andes Mountains, sailing along the Nangaritza River, traveling along the Amazon River, and hopefully doing some shopping at a local silversmith's shop (of course, after we ditch the guys). So I hope ya’ll will follow along with me, whenever I get the chance to post anything else. It turns out, there are not a whole lot of villages in Ecuador that have wifi; crazy, huh? Anyways, I’ve still got some packing to do so I’ll talk to ya soon! Please keep my friends and I in your prayers!
Andes Mountains!


  1. Have fun, Amanda! Praying for all of you...can't wait to read more!

  2. Nice Blog Amanda! Glad you'll be blogging right along with me!

  3. Hope it's a memorable experience, and I can't wait to hear about it when you all get back! ;)

  4. Nice Amanda, check out mine, I will tag you in it!
